Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions govern your use of this website; by using this website, you fully accept these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you should not use this website. You must be at least 18 years old to use this website. By using this website and agreeing to these terms and conditions you agree and represent that you must be at least 18 years of age. This website uses cookies. By using this website and agreeing to these terms and conditions, you agree to our use of (www.actuatorseducation.com) cookies in accordance with the privacy policy of www.actuatorseducation.com.

Website license

Unless otherwise stated, www.actuatorseducation.com and / or its licensors have the right to protect the intellectual property of the Website and its website content. Subject to the license below, all intellectual property rights are reserved. In view of successful purchases, you can download for temporary storage purposes only, and then print pages from the website for personal use, subject to the restrictions set forth below in these terms and conditions.

You should not:

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  • You have distributed the information from this website or purchased as a result of purchases made from this website, without special and explicit content designed for re-distribution.
  • When content is specifically available for redistribution, it can only be shared between the target audience.

Acceptable use

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Restricted access

Access to certain areas of this website is restricted. Actuators Educational Institute reserves the right to restrict access to the website, or at least the entire website, at the discretion of Actuators Educational Institute.

  • If Actuators Educational Institute provides you with a user ID and password to allow you to access restricted areas of this website or other content or services, you must ensure that the User ID and password are kept confidential.
  • The access to recorded lectures are device specific (device changes are allowed only if management permits).
  • Actuators Educational Institute may disable your ID and password at the sole discretion of www.actuatorseducation.com without notice or explanation.
  • The in-house portal is accessible from any device for study material and MCQ platform.

User content

In these terms and conditions, “your user content” means the tools (including unlimited text, images, audio, video equipment and visuals) that you submit to this website, for any purpose. You grant Actuators Educational Institute a free international, non-binding, non-discriminatory, spending, reproduction, synchronization, publishing and distribution of your user content to any existing or future media. It also gives Actuators Educational Institute the right to obtain these limited rights, and the right to bring an act of violation of these rights. Your user content must not be illegal or unlawful, must not infringe any third party legal rights, and must not have the power to institute legal proceedings against you or Actuators Educational Institute or any third party (in any case under any circumstances. applicable law). You must not submit any user content to a website that has or has been the subject of any threatened or actual legal proceedings or any other similar complaint. Actuators Educational Institute reserves the right to edit or remove anything posted on this website, or stored on the servers of Actuators Educational Institute, or owned or published on this website. Except for the rights of Actuators Educational Institute under these terms and conditions relating to user content, Actuators Educational Institute has no obligation to monitor the delivery of this content, or the publication of this content on this website.


By using this website, you agree that the exemptions and credit limits set out in this disclaimer are reasonable. If you do not think they are reasonable, you should not use this website.

Other Parties

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Optional offers

If any provision of this disclosure statement of the website, or found to be, is not enforceable under applicable law, that will not affect the enforcement of any other provision of this website insurance.


You hereby exempt Actuators Educational Institute and undertake to keep Actuators Educational Institute reimbursed for any losses, damages, costs, liabilities and costs (including without limitation legal fees or any fees paid by Actuators Educational Institute). is limited to a third party in resolving a dispute or dispute with the advice of Actuators Educational Institute legal counsel providers who have obtained or suffered from Actuators Educational Institute due to your contravention of any provision of these terms and conditions [, or from any claim to violate any provision of these terms and conditions].

Violation of these terms and conditions

Without discriminating against other Actuators Educational Institute providers other rights under these terms and conditions, if you violate these terms and conditions in any way, Actuators Educational Institute may take such action as Actuators Educational Institute deemed appropriate to deal with infringement, including suspending your website access, blocking access to the website, blocking computers using your IP address from accessing the website, contacting your Internet service provider to request that they block your website access and / or bring lawsuits against you.

The difference

Actuators Educational Institute may review these terms and conditions from time to time. The revised Terms and Conditions will apply to the use of this website from the date of publication of the revised Terms and Conditions on this website. Please check this page regularly to make sure you are familiar with the current version.


Actuators Educational Institute may transfer, sub-contract or contract the rights and/or obligations of Actuators Educational Institute under these terms and conditions without your notice or consent. You may not transfer, enter into any contractual agreement or be subject to your rights and/or obligations under these terms and conditions.


If the provision of these terms and conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be illegal and/or not enforceable, other provisions will continue to apply. If any illegal and/or mandatory provision becomes legal or mandatory if part of it is removed, that part will be deemed to be canceled, and all other provisions will continue to apply.

The whole agreement

This Policy, together with the specific references here, constitutes a sole and complete agreement between you and the Website and constitutes all prior understanding, agreements, representations and warranties, express and implied, in respect of the Website.

Law and power

These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India, and any disputes concerning these terms and conditions shall be dealt with in full jurisdiction by the courts of Kolkata.

Identity details

www.actuatorseducation.com exclusive property of Actuators Educational Institute. This website is managed and operated by Actuators Educational Institute. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at actuatorskolkata@gmail.com