Logical Reasoning

1. Find the missing term of the series:61,74, 89, 97,…., 121, 145
a) 117 b) 118 c) 116 d) None of these

So, Option A.

2. Some As are Bs and some Bs arc Cs. Which of the following is necessarily true?
I.Some As are Cs
II.  All Cs are As
a) Only (I) follows
b) Only(II) follows.
c) Both (I) and (II) follows.
d) Neither (I) nor (II) follow.

Hence, neither conclusion I nor II follow.
So, Option D.

3. If H<G=J and J>K, then which of the following is necessarily true.
I. H>K
II.  G>K
a) only (I) is true.
b) only (II) is true.
c) both (I) and (11) are true.
d) Neither (I) nor (II) are true.
H < G = J > K
(I) H > K (Not sure) (II) G > K (True).
So, Option B.

4.There are 40 people standing in a row. A is 12th from the left and B is 9th from the right. How many people are there in between A and B?
a) 18 b) 19 c) 20 d) None of these
Total number of people = 40.
A’s position from left = 12th.
B’s position from right = 9th.
Number of people between A and B = 40 – l2 – 9 = 19
So, Option B.

5.Create meaningful words from the following and then find the odd one out.
Here, Fish, Boat and Buoy are somehow related to water, whereas Goat is not related to water.
So, Option D.

6. Find the missing term in the series: A15, B10, D3.
a) C6 b) C7 c) E3 d) None of these

So, Option A.

7. You are facing North. You take a right turn and walk for 5 Kms. You again take a right turn and walk for 3 Kms. You now take a left turn and walk for 2 Kms. You now take a 90-dcgree turn to your left. Which direction are you facing now?
a) East b) West c) North d) South

Finally, you are facing towards North direction
So, Option C.

8. Find the missing number that should come at the place of question mark (?).

17 13 19
272 156 342
306 ? 380

a) 182 b) 184 c) 187 d) 191

17 13 19
272 156 342
272 + 2 × 17= 306 156 + 2 × 13= 182 342 + 2 × 19= 380

So, Option A.

9. If P means division, T means addition, M means subtraction and D means multiplication, then the value of: 8 D 1 6 P 3 2 T 1 6 D 3 2 P 6 4 is:
a) 12 b) 23 c) 6 d) 3
P -> ÷       T -> +        M -> –        P -> ×
8 D 16 P 32 T 16 D 32 P 64
=> 8 × 16 ÷ 32 + 16 × 32 ÷ 64
=> 4 + 8 = 12
So, Option A.

10. Directions: In this question, a statement is followed by two courses of action numbered 1 and 11. Consider everything in the statement to be true and decide which of the suggested courses of action logically follow(s) for pursuing.
Statement: The government of state ‘Y’ has decided to remove hutments and buildings that have come up beside the roads to broaden them in city ‘A’.
Courses of action:
I. The government of state ‘Y’ should rehabilitate the affected residents of hutments/buildings.
II. The government should compensate the residents of targeted houses with a reasonable amount.
a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows
c) Either I or II follow
d) Neither I or II follow
Both courses of actions I and II follows. Either government should rehabilitate the affected residents of hutments/Buildings. Or, they should compensate the residents of targeted houses.
So, Option C.

11. Some have suggested a correlation between not wearing polished shoes and being lethargic– that those who don’t polish their shoes are generally lethargic than those who do. This, however, is not the case. I work at the employment exchange and the majority of the applicants have polished shoes. Which of the following assumptions is made by the author of the argument?
a) Lethargy and polished shoes are learned behaviours.
b) People with polished shoes are never unemployed.
c) Lethargy has its origins in an individual’s family background.
d) People who apply for employment at the employment exchange are lethargic.
Assumption made by the Author of the argument is “Lethargy has its origins in an individual’s family background”.
So, Option C.


a) 18 b) 11 c) 8 d) 7
sqrt(20-4) = sqrt(16) = 4
sqrt(45 – 20) = sqrt(25) = 5
sqrt(120 – 20) = sqrt(100) = 10
sqrt(90 – 26) = sqrt(64) = 8
So, Option C.

13. If DIP is coded as 172203, then what is the code for “TAKE”?
a) 07152418 b) 07142418 c) 33142418 d) 07142518

D 1 P
| | |
4 9 16
Letter’s position

=> Code = (4 + 13), (9 + 13), (16 + 13) = 172229
= 1722(29 – 26) = 172203

| | | |
20 1 11 5
Letter’s position

=>  Code = (20 + 13), (1 + 13)(11 + 13),(5 + 13)
= 33 14 24 18 = (33 – 26) 14 24 18
= 07 14 24 18.
So, Option B.

14.Two adjacent faces of a cube are painted red and out of the remaining sides, two opposite faces are painted green. The cube is then cut into 125 equal smaller cubes. How many smaller cubes will have at most two sides painted?
a) 121 b) 123 c) 117 d) 113

Total number of smaller cubes = 125.
Number of smaller cubes have 3 painted faces = 2.
Hence, number of smaller cubes have at most two painted faces = 125 – 2 = 123.
So, Option B.

15. Prashant forgot his five-digit ATM pin. However he remembers that the ATM PIN has a cube of a number in the 3rd place and prime numbers in the first and the last places. The even prime number is in the 1st He also remembers that the digit in the 3rd place is equal to the product of the digits in the first and the second places and the sum of the digits in the first and the second places is equal to the digit in the fourth place. The digit in the last place is half the digit in the 4th place.
What is his ATM PIN?
a) 24863 b) 24683 c) 26483 d) 23468
Hence, required number is ‘24863’.
So, Option A.

16. Refer to the sequence of letters given below and answer the questions that follow.
N F C I O R O O I U M N T S M C T U A A N R T 1 E I C T O A N N T I
If all the vowels from the given sequence arc removed, then which letter will be the 8th letter to the right of the 5th letter to the left of the 10th letter from the right?
a) R b) T c) C d) S
Sequence of letters after removing all vowel.
Letter which is 8th to the right of the 5th to the left of the 10th from the right end = 10 + 5 – 8 = 7th from the right and that is letter ‘R’.
So, Option A.

17. A traveller travels 10 km towards the East from Pune. He then turns 90 degrees towards his right and travels 5 km and again takes a 90 degrees turn towards his right and walks 5 km. What direction is he now with respect to Pune?
a) South-West b) South-East c) North-West d) North-East

Hence, person is in south-east from Pune city.
So, Option B.

18. Read the given information and answer the following questions:
Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting on 8 chairs kept symmetrically around a circular table and equidistant from each other. All of them are facing towards the centre of the table. Some information about the order in which they are sitting is provided as follows:
a) F is sitting exactly opposite to C.
b) D is not next to F.
c) H is the only one sitting between G and C.
d) E is sitting two places to the right of B and is not next to F.
Which of the following is the correct position of H?
a) Left of C
b) Exactly Opposite of B
c) Exactly Opposite of E
d) Cannot Be Determined

B is exactly opposite to H
So, Option B.

19. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) B is to the immediate right of F.
b) G is sitting two places to the light of F.
c) There are only six persons whose sitting positions can be exactly determined.
d) All of these.

Sitting position of all eight people can be exactly determine
So, Option C.

20. There are six persons A, B, C, D, E and F. C is the sister of F. B is the brother of E’s husband. D is the father of A and the grandfather of F. There are two lathers, three brothers and a mother in the group. How many male members are there in the group?
a) One b) Two c) Three d) Four


male members in the group are D, A, B and F. Hence, there are 4 males in the family.
So, Option D.