Why CUET is a Game-Changer for University Admissions

The introduction of CUET has revolutionized the college admission process in India. Unlike earlier times, where board exam marks determined university seats, CUET offers a fair, transparent, and merit-based selection system.

How CUET Transforms Admissions

$\quad \bullet$ Fair & Standardized Assessment $\rightarrow$ All students, regardless of their board, are evaluated equally.

$\quad \bullet$ Less Stress from Board Exams $\rightarrow$ Students can focus on actual knowledge rather than chasing unrealistic percentages.

$\quad \bullet$ Equal Opportunity for All $\rightarrow$ Candidates from different regions and educational backgrounds get the same chance.

$\quad \bullet$ Merit-Based Selection $\rightarrow$ Admissions are no longer influenced by board exam differences or school grading policies.

With CUET, students can now apply to multiple universities using a single exam, making the admission process more efficient and student-friendly.