Verbal Ability

 1.What is the meaning of “spilling the beans”?
a) To get scared extremely
b) To reveal a secret
c) To manage multiple tasks
d) To conceal the information
Spill the beans: To reveal something that was meant to be a secret
We had everything organized for Bruce k surprise party, but Kate accidentally spilled the beans to him at work.
So, Option B.

2. What is the meaning of “Talking nineteen to the dozen”?
a) Talking consciously
b) Running hurriedly
c) Keeping up
d) Speaking continuously
Talk nineteen to the dozen: To speak very rapidly, hurriedly, and/or energetically.
My aunt can get talking nineteen to the dozen if you get her on a topic she k passionate about.
So, Option D.

3. Identify figure of speech in the following sentence.
“I wandered lonely as a cloud”
a) Simile
b) Personification
c) Onomatopoeia
d) Hyperbole
In the given sentence, the figure of speech used is ‘simile’.
Simile: A figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g. as brave as a lion).
-the use of similes as a method of comparison.
Personification: The attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something non-human, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form.
Onomatopoeia: The formation of a word from a sound associated with what is named (e.g. cuckoo, sizzle).
Hyperbole: Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.
So, Option A.

4. Identify the figure of speech in the following sentence.
“A child is a fire to lit, not a vase to be filled.”
a) Onomatopoeia
b) Personification
c) Simile
d) Metaphor
The figure of speech used in the given sentence is, Metaphor.
Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but do have something in common. Unlike a simile, where two things are compared directly using like or as, a metaphor’s comparison is more indirect, usually made by stating something is something else.
So, Option D.

5. Choose the appropriate word to fill in the blank.
What prevented her_______ coming?
a) From
b) While
c) In
d) About
Here, ‘from’ will be used. From expresses the origination of something from something else, something coming from somewhere, or some person. For example: Smriti comes from New York.
So, Option A.

Which conjunction can fill in the following sentence?
1) He had a severe tooth pain _________ he visited a doctor.
a) In
b) So
c) Lest
d) Because
“So” can be used to fit in the blank of the given sentence and make it grammatically and contextually correct.
So, Option B.

Which Adverb can be filled in the following sentence?

1) He appeared _______ excited to see his mother.
a) Slightly
b) Enough
c) So
d) Fairly
“So” is as adverb of degree and it can be used to fill the blank of the given sentence and make it contextually and grammatically correct.
So, Option C.

Fill in the blank with most appropriate word.
1) A________ of singers
a) Class
b) Team
c) Choir
d) Troupe
Here is the detailed information about the collective nouns.
A choir of singers.             A class of students.
A team of players.            A troupe of dancers.
So, Option C.

Fill in the blank to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
1) The world ________ better place to live.
a) will be a better
b) would be a better
c) should be a good
d) would be a good
‘will be a better’ will make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
So, Option A.

Which of the following is correctly spelt?
a) Irriterievable
b) Irretrievable
c) Irretreivable
d) Irritreiveble
“Irretrievable” is the correctly spelt word among the given options.
Irretrievable: not able to be retrieved or put right.
So, Option B.

1.Fill in the blank with the appropriate word.
He apologized __________
a) Predominantly
b) Proactively
c) Profusely
d) Purportedly
“Profusely” will fill the blank to make the sentence grammatically and contextually correct.
Profusely: to a great degree; in large amounts. Predominantly: mainly, for the most part.
Proactively: by taking action to control a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened.
Purportedly: as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so; allegedly.
So, Option C.

2. Fill in the blank with the appropriate phrase.
A ship was_______.
a) Holed up
b) Halting on
c) Hauled at
d) Heed at
“hole up” means to stay in a particular place as a refuge from something.
– to take shelter somewhere.
– to hide somewhere.
So, Option A.

3. Which of the following is a compound word?
a) Colorado
b) Knowledge
c) Butterfly
d) Raincheck
Compound words: Combining two or more words in order to make a new word having a new meaning. They function as different parts of speech, dictating what form the compound word acquired.
1) A ticket given for later use when a sporting fixture or other outdoor event is interrupted or postponed by rain.
2) A coupon issued to a customer by a shop, guaranteeing that a sale item which is out of stock may be purchased by that customer at a later date at the same reduced price.
So, Option D.

4. What is meaning of Largesse?
a) Globalized
b) Liberal
c) Saturate
d) Acquittal
Largesse: liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior.
So, Option B.

5. Which of the following words is correctly spelt?
a) Conseintious
b) Consciention
c) Conscientious
d) Consientious
The correctly spelt word is
Conscientious: wishing to do one’s work or duty well and thoroughly.
So, Option C.

1.One part of the sentence below may contain an error, Identity the part
I have to been asked/to keep quiet, /and that to, /in stern terms!
a) I have to been asked
b) To keep quiet
c) And that too
d) In stern terms!

2. One part of the sentence below may contain an error Identity the part. If there is no error, choose ‘No error’
The 9.2 km Atal Tunnel at Rohtang in Himachal Pradesh/is the longest highway tunnel in the world/connecting Manali to Lahaul-Spiti valley
a) The 9.2 km Atal Tunnel at Rohtang in Himachal Pradesh
b) is the longest highway tunnel in the world
c) connecting Manali to Lahaul-Spiti valley
d) No error

3. One part of the sentence below may contain a grammatical error Identify the part. If there is no error choose ‘No error’
India’s chess Olympiad gold-winning team captain Vidit Gujrathi says that the experience of playing against and defeating iconic Viswanathan Anand was the most special moment of his life
a) India’s chess Olympiad gold-winning team captain
b) captain Vidit Gujrathi says that the experience of playing against and defeating iconic
c) iconic Viswanathan Anand was the most special moment of his life
d) No error

4. Read the passage carefully. Then select the words/options listed A to D which best fill in the blanks:
Opera refers to a _______ an form originating in Europe, in which the emotional content is conveyed to the audience as much through music, both vocal and  __________, as it is through the lyrics contrast in musical theater an actor’s dramatic performance is ____________, and the music plays a lesser role. The drama in opera is presented using the primary elements of theater such as scenery, costumes, and acting However, the words of the opera, or libretto, are sung rather than spoken. The singers arc accompanied by a musical ensemble ranging from a small instrumental ensemble to a full ________ orchestra.


Blank 1:
a) dramatic b) medica c) mysterious d) spun

Blank 2:

a) violin b) poems c) instrumental d) action

Blank 3:
a) stylish b) primaryc) supporting d) primal

5. Fill In the blanks in the sentences given below with suitable options
It’s no longer clothes or books or makeup items that people want to buy online. Even when it comes to buying the everyday groceries people are _________ 1 __________  turning online, amid the pandemic. A recent study indicates that online grocery shopping is likely to _________ 2 __________ more than two-fold as more shoppers are now ordering items online

a) occasional b) increasinglyc) rarelyd) excessively

Blank 2:
a)flourishing b) expansion c) reduce d) grow
1) 1A 2B
2) 1B 2D
3) 1C 2C
4) 1D 2A

1) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate pair of words from the options given below
The Indian Air Force was ________ established on 8th October 1932 as a part of an auxiliary air force of the British Empire and was known as the Royal Air Force. It was only after India became a republic in 1950 that the name __________ to Indian Air Force.
a) official/has been changed
b) officious/had been changed
c) officially/ was changed
d) judiciously/ has changed

2) Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate set of words from the options given below
What did the painter do _____________ himself from falling?
When he felt the ladder _____________ he grabbed the gutter to save himself from falling
a) To save/ began slipping
b) For saving/ began to slip
c) To save/ beginning to slip
d) To save/ begin to slip

3) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate options
She did not bring a blanket for _______ so I gave her _____
her, mine
myself, hers
herself, mine
us, hers

4) For the four sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph below S1 and S4 are given. From the options P, Q, and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 and S3 respectively.
S1: ‘Unemployment’, may be defined as a phenomenon wherein an individual
S2: _____________________________
S3: _____________________________
S4: The unemployment rate of a country is indicative of its socio-economic health
P:   Similarly, the term ‘labour force’ is applied to the total number of individuals within the population who are willing and capable of doing work
Q:  And the unemployment rate is usually measured in percentages; the number of individuals without work out of the total ‘labour force’ of the country or specific groups
R:   The most accepted classification of unemployment recognizes two broad types; Voluntary and involuntary unemployment
a) RP b) PQ c) RQ d) QP

5) For the four-sentence (S1 to S4) paragraph below, sentences S1 and S4 are given. From the options P, Q and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 and S3 respectively
S1: The Panchatantra is a legendary collection of short stories from India
S2: _____________________________
S3: _____________________________
S4: These extraordinary animal tales in verse and prose are liked, perhaps even loved, by people of every are group
P:   Later, many authors and publishers worked hard to make these fables accessible to and readable by lay persons
Q:  Originally composed in the 2nd century B.C. Panchatantra is believed to have been written by Vishnu Sharma along with many other scholar
R:   The purpose behind the composition was to implant moral values and governing skills in the young sons of the king through animal stories

a) QR b) PQ c) RP d) PR

6) For the four sentence in the paragraph below, sentences S1 and S4 are given. From the options P, Q and R, choose appropriate sentences for S2 and S3 appropriately
S1: Although the Novel Coronavirus affects every person and community, it does not do so equally
S2: _____________________________
S3: _____________________________
S4: In developing countries, the most vulnerable – including employed in the informal economy, older people, children, indigenous people – risk being hit even harder
P:   In advanced economies, fatality rates have been highest among marginalized groups
Q:  Instead it has exposed and exacerbated existing inequalities and injustices
R:   Women and girls are facing new barriers and new threats
a) PQ b) QR c) PR d) QP

7) You are going to read a text about working with a remote team. Some sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A-C) the most appropriate sentence for each gap (1-2) in the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use.
Aisha had been very successful managing her team in Edinburgh and was asked by the company to lead a remote team for an important two-year project. Keen to demonstrate her leadership abilities to the head office. Aisha got her team members together for a remote meeting. But right from that first meeting she realized that was going to be a different challenge
(1) _______ Lucia kept asking about really specific details, while Aisha was hoping to use the meeting to get to know the team members and identify priorities. Archie and Lucia kept accidentally talking at the same time and when they didn’t speak, there was an uncomfortable silence. Valentina hardly said a word (2) _______ without these visual clues, Aisha had no idea whether people were interested lost, confused or bored.
1) No one had their cameras on, so there was none of the usual communication through body language or facial expressions
2) Compared to a face-to-face meeting the remote team is not prederred by all the managers
3) For a start, Archie was late for the meeting by about 15 minutes because of ‘technical problems’.
a) (1)- A, (2)- C
b) (1)- B, (2)- A
c) (1)- A, (2)- B
d) (1)- C, (2)- A

8)You are going to read an extract from the opening remarks of WHO Director at a media briefing on Covid-19. Some sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A-C) the most appropriate sentence for each gap (1-2) in the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use.
We understand that people are reeling under fear and uncertainty in these times of the pandemic ________ 1 ________. But as we get more data we are understanding this virus, and the disease it causes, more are more. This virus is not SARS, it’s not MERS and it’s not influenza ________ 2 ___________. Both Covid-19 and influenza cause respiratory disease and spread the same way, via small droplets of fluid from the nose, mouth of someone who is sick.
1) It is a unique virus with unique characteristics
2) Initially people through it was a form of malaria
3) Fear is a natural human response to any threat, especially when it’s a threat we don’t completely understand
a) (1)- A, (2)- B
b) (1)- C, (2)- B
c) (1)- B, (2)- C
d) (1)- C, (2)- A

9. You are going to read a text about a railway project in the Saharan region. Some sentences are missing from the text. Choose from the list (A-C) the most appropriate sentence for each gap(1-2) in the text. There is one extra sentence that you do not need to use
Trans-Saharan Railway was a project to build a rail line south through Algeria to sub-Saharan Africa (1) __________ But Algiers was comparatively near France and possesses, moreover, its own means of defence, so that if it and the other parts if French Africa could be firmly knit together by a railroad there would be little to fear from an outside toe (2) ________ Such a road would bring the different parts of the country into touch with one another and would greatly facilitate their economic conquest.
1) Besides the strategic reasons in favor of a Trans-Sahara railroad, there were political and economic ones as well
2) The southern portions of the French African Empire were practically isolated, the vast interior regions presenting an almost insurmountable barrier between them and Algiers. So that in case if a war with a strong naval power like England, they would be in great danger
3) As far back as 1880 some preliminary surveys to the south of Algiers were made by exploring parties
(1)- A, (2)- C
(1)- B, (2)- C
(1)- C, (2)- B
(1)- B, (2)- A

10. Two sentences have been removed from the text below. Read the text and then match the missing sentences to fill up Blank 1 and Blank 2. You will need to choose two options out of four – P, Q, R, S, provided
In Siberia, the temperature can fall as low as seventy degree centigrade below zero. The intense cold makes life immensely difficult and dangerous for anyone unaccustomed to it.
a) _____________ When this happens, the topsoil thaws to a depth of about two meters and can support rich vegetation
b) __________________
P:   The Siberian Husky is a hardy and compact dog, and is known to be friendly fastidious and dignified
Q:  Though parts of the region are colder than the North Pole itself the temperature in summer may reach 40°C
R:   The summer days are so long that the earth stores enough heat to bear a variety of flowers which blossom between the threes
S:   As many as 2,500 inmates considered enemies of the state were executed here during the Soviet Union’s political repression campaign of 1937-1938, and it’s believed that no one ever escaped
a) (1)- Q, (2)- R
b) (1)- P, (2)- Q
c) (1)- P, (2)- S
d) (1)- Q, (2)- S

1. Which of the following conversations does NOT use formal language?
a) A: Will you be able to submit the project by Friday?
    B:  Yup!!Sure!
b) A: I want to talk to your Director Marketing Mr. Sameer Bhatia Can you connect me to him?
    B: Sure give me a minute
c) A: It’s raining cats and dogs. Are you going to cancel the picnic you had planned today
    B: I guess we will have to
d) A: Will you be interested in working for our company if we offer you a job?
    B: Definitely. It will be my privilege

2. Which one the following sentences uses formal language?
a) Don’t freak out things are under control now!
b) As per our telephonic conversation today, we are agreeable to proceed with the transaction
c) Nice to meet you yesterday look forward to you confirmation regarding the deal
d) Sorry, Guys we can’t male it next week!

3. Which one of the following sentences uses formal language?
a) I am greatly obliged to you for permitting me to go
b) Hey, how lovely you look!
c) Pull yourself together it’s not the end of the world!
d) Can you repeat that? I didn’t catch the names

4. Which statement best summarises what the writer is saying in the passage?
a) People are often confused and irrational in their behaviour when faced with challenges.
b) People need someone to control them and regulate their public behaviour.
c) People are guided according to their individual personalities in their choices and decisions.
d) People make many wrong choices when they are in a difficult situation

5. In the fifth paragraph the writer states that individuals often:
a) sacrifice long-term benefits in favour of short-term pleasures.
b) get carried away by the influence of powerful pressures.
c) are swayed by peer pressure to change their opinions.
d) overlook short-term benefits for long-term advantages.

1) What does the writer call the traditional economics model?
a) Systematic error b) Rational choice c) Standard policy d) Mixed preference

2) Which of the following action words does the writer use to describe the implicit purpose of behavioural economics in human behaviour?
a) To appeal b) To restrain c) To blend d) To nudge

3) How much time gets reduced between Manali and Leh if the tunnel is used?
a) Nine and a quarter hours b) Four to five hours c) Six hours d) Forty-six hours

4) Which meaning of the phrase cut off is applicable in the passage?
a) To prevent someone from continuing what they are saying.
b) To remove something by cutting it.
c) To prevent someone from ever receiving your money or property
d) To make a place difficult or impossible to enter, leave, or communicate with.

5) What is the name of the mountains through which the tunnel is constructed?
a) Pir Panjal b)Rohtang c) Lahual d) Spiti